Winning with Wisconsin's Workforce Event Series Highlights Technical Education and Grant Opportunities
28 Sep 2023
How can employers, educational institutions, and communities tap into grant funding to support innovative technical education projects and customized worker training programs?
Hear from local workforce development leaders and recipients of technical education and training grants as they share strategies to apply for and implement grant-funded workforce technology and training programs at DWD's upcoming "Winning with Wisconsin's Workforce" forums. The statewide series of quarterly events highlights workforce development initiatives, available funding, resources to aid competitiveness, and local successes with worker recruitment and retention.
"We invite employers, educators, community leaders, and anyone who is interested in local workforce programming to join the hundreds of others who've attended previous Winning with Wisconsin's Workforce events this year and left with a wealth of workforce information, resources, and so much more," DWD Secretary Amy Pechacek said. "Register today for one of the 10 events we and our regional partners are planning over the next three months, and prepare to discover effective workforce strategies, network with industry professionals, and hear success stories that inform and inspire."
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